2015年5月9日(土)、京都烏丸御池の「Samurai Cafe & Bar SHISHIN(士心)」にて字天ナイトを開催いたしました。
今回「新ことば」をお送りしたのはSan Franciscoから来られたJason Carrさん、および士心の新スタッフの松永倫子さんです。
まず、Jason Carrさんへの新ことば「疾如車(はやきことくるまのごとし、Hayaki koto kuruma no gotoshi)」です。
I chose these kanji characters for you according to your first and family name.
Please see this character.
I asked Calligrapher Yagi Suigetsu to write kanji in archaic style.
This reads “kuruma (車, くるま)”, whose meaning is “car, vehicle, chariot / wheel”.
Modern-styled kanji “車” is its simplified form.
About 3,000 years ago Chinese civilization used chariots in war fields.
They were similar as ancient western chariots, horses in line carrying carts with two wheels.
The archaic-styled “車” represents a cart, whose right side is a yoke and left side is two wheels.
As you might know, kanji is the sole modern survivor of ancient ideograms such as ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs or ancient Mayan characters.
Kanji “車” is used in modern usage for not only ancient chariot, but also any vehicles – 自転車 (jitensha) means a bike, 電車 (densha) means an electric train, and 車 (kuruma) itself means an automobile car.
So I chose this kanji for your family name “Carr”.
Next, the total meaning of three characters.
“疾如車” is derived from an ancient classic book called “Sonshi (孫子)”.
疾如風。徐如林。侵掠如火。不動如山。(Classical Chinese)疾きこと風の如し。徐かなること林の如し。侵掠すること火の如し。動かざること山の如し。(Japanese transcription)
Get speedy like a wind. Keep quiet like a forest. Conquer like a fire. Don’t move like mountains. (English Translation)
This is one of famous phrases in “Sonshi”.
“Sonshi” explains the art of wars, whose influence has been very much in both China and Japan.
Famous Japanese warlord Takeda Shingen (武田信玄) loved this phrase and wrote it in flags of his legions.
Even western Napoleon Bonaparte is said to have got interested in this book.
The above phrase means how to direct your legions, in some situations you need to stand still and not to move, and in other situations you need to move fast and fight aggressively.
Words of “Sonshi” are simple but have fruitful instructions, whose strategic thinking can be also applied to businesses and other activities.
Your first name “Jason” should be taken from a Greek mythological hero, who sailed seas with his comrades and fought fights.
So I took a phrase from “Sonshi” and modified it.
“疾如車” reads “Hayaki koto kuruma no gotoshi” in Japanese. It means “Get speedy like a car”.
“疾” means “be speedy”.
“如” is a preposition whose meaning is “like”.
And “車” means “car”.
All of them are written in an ancient style that can go back to three thousand years ago.

「新ことば」Live字天ナイト at Samurai Cafe & Bar SHISHINは、来月も開催する予定です。
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